August 22, 2011

College, Coils and You - My latest article on The Coil Review

Transition is defined as “movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood”. It is a major part of the life cycle and we experience multiple transitions throughout a lifetime. Whether you transitioned to naturalhood during high school or are just embarking on your natural hair journey, college life in particular is a different animal. With the many changes that accompany it, it can be overwhelming but caring for your natural tresses doesn’t have to be. Transitioning from natural life in the free world to natural life in a college community can prove to be challenging and the way you navigate through this period will determine how smooth your transition is. So, since school is about to start for many of you, to help you make your on campus transition easier, consider these tips.

For my complete article, and other great stories, visit The Coil Review today!

I was inspired by my daughter leaving for her first year of college this past weekend. (I had her at 12, I'm not really that old).  Hope this is helpful to other who have babies leaving for life on campus!  The picture on the article is of my daughter's college campus.

Her hair: braid out/roller set using Miss Jessie’s Curly Meringue. 

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