May 08, 2012

Be Inspired - Natural Hair Encounter

A few weeks ago I was in World Market and there was a beautiful girl behind the counter.  We went through the normal pleasantries as you would with anyone and then she complimented my hair.  I of course said thank you and complimented hers in turn.  Not because she complimented me but because I was already admiring her hair but she’d beat me to the compliment punch.  She explained how she had cut all of her hair off for the American Cancer Society and it really touched me.  Like many families, my family has been touched by cancer so I was inspired.  That same day, I came across this article on the topic.  Her hair was extremely low cut and had such a sexy vibe and she wasn’t even wearing earrings! LOL!  Nothing to hide behind.  It was as if she was born to wear that style.  It just fit her face so well and brought out her other beautiful features such as her eyes and lips.  Not everyone can pull the look off and not many would cut their hair for such a noble cause.  As I drove off, I wondered if I could ever do it.  I still haven’t come up with an answer so I thought I’d pose it to you all.


Would you cut your hair for donation?

In case you missed it, click here for related reading. 

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