April 15, 2013

Gone With the Wind Fabulous

Top down and a new pair of sunnies!  This week the temperature finally broke 75 degrees as we welcomed Spring for the second time this year.  The first one signaled by the calendar, the latter dictated by the weather.  Either way Spring has arrived and I’m ready.  After such a long, challenging winter season, it’s a nice to leave the coats behind in exchange for light jackets.  For me the warm weather represents freedom and hair liberation and I want to ride around with the sunroof open and let my hair blow in the wind while taking in the sunrays.  Sounds dreamy but reality is, wind can wreak havoc on your precious locks by robbing it of moisture causing dryness and brittleness as well as massive tangles and knots.  Steering clear of the wind is simply not a practical solution so here’s my plan of action.

1.      Utilize gel in a different manner

I am not a fan of using gel for anything other than edge control primarily because of the crunch feeling that comes with it, however, in this case the crunch works in your favor.  Combining gel with my styling cream of choice gives me some holding power.  (A cream gel product is also an option).

2.      Continue deep conditioning practices for extra nourishment and dry and brittle hair prevention.

3.      Apply a leave in- conditioner after each shampoo session for added protection against the wind and all the other elements as well.

4.      Minimize heat exposure – no need in upping the dry quotient by excessive heat usage.

5.      Be consistent with my monthly protein treatments.  I deal with high levels of porosity which will contribute to the extra dryness caused by the wind and protein addresses this issue.

6.      Protective styling

For me this simply means tucking my coils in a bun, which protects the ends while keeping it stylishly in place.   


While it is impossible to completely eliminate the sabotage, it is possible to minimize it and still have great hair moments this Spring and Summer.  What is your plan of action to protect your mane from the wind?

For articles like this one, check me out on Curly Nikki every Friday !


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