April 28, 2011

The Natural Men In Our Lives

So tell me about your hair.  When did you start the growing out process?
I have dred locks.  I started almost 6yrs ago. This fall will be 6 years since my last hair cut.

What/Who inspired you to go this route?
I was watching the movie The Brothers one day & D.L. Hughley’s hair just looked so tight to me, so I wanted mine to look like that.  So I let it grew out and got it done, but since I have a "good grade" of hair, it only lasted about a week.  So I went with the fro until it was long enough to braid, but I’m tender headed and that only lasted about 7 months. So after that, I started to get it twisted then my hair finally started locking up.
How do you take care of your hair?  (Regimen, products, etc)
I don’t know what all the shop does when I get it re-twisted every 3 months, but I don’t do anything.  I wash it when it needs it with Doo Grow shampoo and I use the Doo Grow oil when my scalp feels dry. 

Recently there was some controversy surrounding Method Man and some negative comments he made about women and hair.  How do you feel about women and natural hair? 
I don’t have a problem with it. Like everything else, sometimes it may just look better on someone else.

How do you feel about natural hair in the workplace?  Have your choices affected you in the professional world?
As long as it looks decent at the work place, I don’t have a problem with it. As for myself, I haven’t had any problems at my job.

Do you ever get rude or out of line remarks/responses to your hair?  If so, how do you handle it?
LOL..Only  one, because she thought all dreds stunk and were dirty.  I just told her mine don’t and it wasn’t.  So she smelled it and then started running her fingers through my hair in line at the store and started giving me all kinds of compliments.   What in the world?!…..Thanks lady, but I don’t know you.  J

How would you describe your sense of style?
I don’t keep up with the Jones’s, but I think it’s on point when I try.

Curly Chic

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